
Comprehensive Plans

KVCOG can assist with the creation and update of Municipal Comprehensive Plans to meet the towns long term planning goals and the State level requirements for Plans. Services range from basic information and guidance to a full service contract option at a subsidized membership rate to create a new plan for a community.

Why create a Comprehensive Plan?

Communities complete Comprehensive Plans for a variety of reasons. At their most basic level, communities complete Comprehensive Plans to prepare for the future. A comprehensive review of community issues and policies promotes discussion among neighbors and can help communities avoid problems that sometimes occurs when community decisions are made in a piecemeal fashion.
A comprehensive plan is a guide to the future for the town. It is not an ordinance or a set of rules, it is instead a guide for the town government to move in the direction the people want. It provides a map indicating what direction the town wants to go in over the next 10 years, and it also provides a “snapshot in time” of the town.
Good planning makes good communities.

A good Comprehensive Plan should enable a community to:
• Sustain rural living and a vibrant village center.
• Preserve a healthy landscape and a walkable community.
• Balance economic prosperity with quality of life
• Protect working waterfronts and/or community farms.
• Develop a discussion among neighbors.
• Develop a basis for sound decisions in town management.

Financial Incentives

State Law and various agencies have established incentives for communities to develop Comprehensive Plans. Over $80 million is awarded through 25 state grant and loan programs that either require or encourage applicants to have a consistent comprehensive plan. These include:

• DECD Funds / Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
  -Housing Assistance - $500,000
  -Home Repair Network - $1million
  -Public Infrastructure - $1million
  -Downtown Revitalization - $300,000
  -Public Service Grant - $50,000

• Land for Maine’s Future - Multiple grants of $25,000

• Land and Water Conservation Fund - $500,000

• MDEP 319(h) Non-Point Source Protection Grants - $50,000 - $150,000

• DEP State Revolving Loan Fund - $200,000

• MDOT Village Partnership Initiative – Varies by Project but at least $50,000+

• MDOT Stream Crossing grant - $200,000

More than $4 million is available to towns with a consistent Comprehensive Plan!!!


In summary a Comprehensive Plan is there to encourage orderly growth and development in appropriate areas of the community, while protecting the towns rural character, making efficient use of public services and preventing any development sprawl.

Land Use Planning

These services are funded through the Department of Conservation, Agriculture, and Forestry and the Department of Transportation, municipal dues, and fee-for-service arrangements. Staff provides guidance ranging from phone calls to attendance at meetings and field visits. Work includes developing new ordinances, assisting with ordinance amendments and conducting workshops for individual member towns. Land Use Regulations include zoning, subdivision review, development (site) review, building code, ordinances regulating day care, mobile home parks, sludge spreading, signs, wind turbines, cell towers, or other potential nuisances.

KVCOG advocates for ordinances and review procedures that are easily understood and accessible by administrators as well as applicants.

KVCOG provides professional and technical assistance with drafting, implementing, administering, and enforcing land use and building regulations. The following are examples of land use services:

  • Contracted Town Planner: KVCOG is able to provide town planner services to a municipality on an hours-per-month contract basis.
  • Technical Assistance: Staff are available by phone, email or in person to answer questions of interpretation of regulatory language. When needed, staff may attend planning board or board of appeals meetings to assist a board in interpretation of provisions of their ordinances.
  • Ordinance Drafting: KVCOG provides member towns with assistance in drafting ordinance language, ranging from simple amendments to entirely new ordinances. This assistance may include a number of meetings with local boards and other groups to gain information for the drafting process.
  • Permit Review Assistance: KVCOG will assist a local board in reviewing applications for subdivision approval, development/land use permits, rezoning applications, etc. Staff also assist many towns to conduct reviews of large or complex subdivisions and site plans.
  • Board Training: Staff will provide on-site or centralized training to volunteer boards. Topics include general board procedures, development procedures, forms and checklists, review practices, legal requirements. From time to time, KVCOG hosts a series of workshops at its Fairfield offices on procedural or technical planning topics.


Transportation Planning

The staff of KVCOG’s Planning Division conduct regional transportation planning projects and assistance to communities. These activities are funded by the Maine Department of Transportation.


For more information about any of our planning services, please contact:

Jessica Cobb, Senior Planner 
453-4258 ext. 218



Contact Us

(207) 453-4258
17 Main Street
Fairfield, Maine 04937


Employee contact information can be found here


Office hours are:
Monday - Thursday
Appointment are recommended
as staff are in and out providing
assistance to the communities they are working in.


You can reach any staff member
via the contact information here